On Tuesday 8th January Perry Court launched their E-ACT passport. Mr Healey held an assembly with all the children in the Academy, explaining to them the both the purpose and the activities involved. The children were excited and keen to get started! Each class then took part in an activity planned by their teachers, allowing them to make a start on their own passport.

Nursery – The nursery passport activity today was to ‘Play a percussion instrument’

We explored a variety of instruments as a class and during child led activity. We discussed and practised the different ways to make sounds such as banging, shaking and scraping and listened to the sounds they made. We also used our instruments to create a beat and sang nursery rhymes to it.
Reception – “Discuss and consider others feelings”

We passed around our classroom Teddy and discussed how we were all feeling today. We also thought of ideas of how we could cheer each other up.

Year 1
Year 1 started the day as they mean to go on – by running the whole perimeter of the school! Great effort!
Year 2
In year 2 we were showing team spirit with some traditional dancing. We did the highland fling and some of the ceilidh dance, which are both from Scotland.
Year 3
 In Year 3, we were ‘Doing the Right Thing’ by working towards completing our 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Times Table Rockstars’.
Year 4
Year 4 completed the passport activity “Solve times tables in another language.” We used our knowledge from our French lessons to recall the 5 times table and answer questions given in French. The children were incredibly enthusiastic in this lesson and didn’t want to go to lunch as one of the activities wasn’t completed.
Year 5
Today in Y5 we learnt 10 yoga moves – sun salutation, tree, downward dog, cobra, warrior, child’s pose, rake, basket, frog and peace and quiet.
Year 6
In line with the E-ACT Passport checklist ‘relax and help others to relax,’ we trialled calming techniques and created stress free SATs posters.

Join us for our next open morning!

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Leaving, on a jet plane!
Leaving, on a jet plane!
Leaving, on a jet plane!