Monday 4th January 2020

Dear parent or carer,

I hope my message finds you safe and well.

Following on from tonight’s government announcement, I am writing to confirm that our academy, alongside all other schools and academies in England, will only be open to our most vulnerable pupils and the children of critical workers from tomorrow, Tuesday 5 January 2021. We must ask all other children to stay at home and complete their learning using our online platforms (Tapestry or Seesaw).

The remainder of this letter will outline the main things that parents and carers need to be aware of over the coming weeks.

Who should attend the academy tomorrow?

The academy will be open to our most vulnerable pupils and the children of critical workers across all year groups. You can check whether your child is part of either of these groups by clicking here. Thank you to those parents/carers who have already completed the surveys (links were sent out in communications on Sunday and today).

All other children are asked to stay at home and complete their learning using our online platforms. If you have any questions, please contact us on 01173 772078 or

General information for those returning

Timings will remain the same as in term 2 i.e. start of the day is from 8:40 to 9:00am; end of the day is from 3:10pm to 3:30pm with everyone continuing to enter via Mile Walk and exit via Great Hayles Road. Breakfast club is currently not available.

Children to come to school in their school uniform with enough layers to keep them warm (room temperatures will be monitored to ensure that everyone remains comfortable).

Children to continue to bring in their own water bottles.

Lunches will be provided on site for anyone entitled to a free school meal and packed lunches can continue to be brought in.

Please see where keyworker/vulnerable children, in each year group, are being taught tomorrow:

 Year Group Location (may be subject to change)

Nursery Reception classroom – Miss Pike’s room

Reception Reception classroom – Miss May’s room

Year 1 KS1 hall – enter via the nursery playground

Year 2 KS1 hall – enter via the nursery playground

Year 3 KS2 hall

Year 4 KS2 hall

Year 5 Y6 area – line up on KS2 playground

Year 6 Y6 area – line up on KS2 playground

When will my child be able to return to the academy?

The Prime Minister in his announcement mentioned that schools and academies could be asked to operate in this way until at least the February half term.

We plan to keep in close contact with you and will be in touch as soon as we have the greenlight to welcome back more of our pupils.

Remote education arrangements for our children

We have plans in place which mean that the pupils who must stay at home can continue their learning without disruption. Children will have daily contact with their teachers and will continue to be taught a wide range of subjects in line with their academy timetables where possible.

We will be taking a daily register and our teacher will closely monitor progression, adjusting pace or difficulty of work where necessary. Please visit our website: for more information.

For children entitled to free school meals

Details of the arrangements for pupils who are eligible for free school meals and are being taught remotely will be provided as soon as we can.

Ensuring the safety of our pupils in academy

Please rest assured that the pupils attending academy will continue to have access to the safest possible academy environment. Our COVID safety measures, which include regular and focussed cleaning, good ventilation and ensuring good hand and respiratory hygiene will be reinforced at all times.

Who should I inform if my child tests positive for the virus?

If your child or someone else within your household tests positive for COVID-19, please let the academy know by emailing the details to or phoning: 01173 772078.

Thank you for your support

These are clearly unprecedented times, but I would like to reassure you that all our pupils and families will continue to receive support from the academy no matter the circumstances.

We plan to remain in regular contact with you, and we ask you to do the same if you have any questions or concerns. In the meantime, I wish you and your family well, and I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of the academy.

Yours sincerely,

Ms N Reynolds Headteacher


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