At the beginning of the year Perry Court set Miss Binns, Miss Miles and Mr O’Shea the challenge of becoming the best PE/ sport program in the whole of Bristol. An aspirational target, but a target they accepted and have been relentless in their pursuit of. PE lessons, clubs, assemblies, guest sports stars, fundraisers, sports day, sports fixtures, early morning activities, lunch time opportunities…you name it, these practitioners have provided it. This would not have worked though without our incredible children embracing the new active culture at our school. A culture that we have now become known for in the community.

Tonight a group of our most active children attended the Ashton Park Bristol Schools award ceremony and here is what they achieved:

– Most improved school
– KS1 team of the year
– Sporting heroes Ava, Darcy, Gavin
– Special Acheivement Award for Mark
– Primary Young leader award for McKenzie!

We think it’s safe to say Perry Court has the best sports program in Bristol. Next years target…the best nationwide…why not?

Join us for our next open morning!

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