Welcome to E-ACT Perry Court Academy.

It is an honour to be the headteacher of such a wonderful school.  We pride ourselves on putting the children at the centre of everything we do. We are passionate about providing an exciting learning journey for each child where they are encouraged to challenge themselves in a safe environment. As an academy, we are proud of our inclusive culture in which each child is valued and nurtured, given opportunities to succeed and develops a love for learning.

Perry Court is situated in Hengrove and we are fortunate to have a wonderful setting in which to educate our pupils. The site is comprised of a large outdoor space that boasts a forest school area, a large hall, library and Thrive space run by our very own practitioner.

Our core values of positivity, engagement respectful, responsible consideration, respect, integrity and perseverance underpin everything we do here. We focus on developing each child as an individual as well as building an awareness and understanding of others. As well our Perry Court values, we foster the E-ACT values of thinking big, having team spirit and doing the right thing, all of which are central to our approach.

We offer breakfast club and a range of extra-curricular clubs such as netball, football, Times Tables Rock Stars, science, Thrive, drama, cookery and cricket.

As Perry Court is part of the E-ACT multi-academy trust, we are able to share best practice and work with other academies incredibly closely, most recently on developing our curriculum.

We have robust procedures in place to ensure safeguarding underpins all we do at. Please explore our website to see what we at E-ACT Perry Court Academy can offer both you and your child. We welcome enquiries and visits to the school can be arranged through the school office. We look forward to welcoming you to the Perry Court community.

Stephanie Moore

Executive Headteacher




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Meet our Executive Headteacher