It’s official… we are a GOOD Academy!

We are incredibly proud that our Academy has been rated GOOD in our latest Ofsted inspection. This highlights the outstanding work and dedication of our staff and pupils in making E-ACT Perry Court Academy a fantastic place to learn and grow.

The inspectors were delighted with what they saw when they were at our Academy for two days. They especially praised the commitment of our staff in ensuring all of our pupils are catered for depending on their individual needs.

Take a look at some of the comments from the report:


“Leaders have designed a curriculum that enables pupils to learn well and aim high. They place a strong focus on pupils’ personal development.”

Nurturing environment

“Perry Court is a welcoming and friendly place to learn. Pupils are confident and proud of their school.”

Well-being and SEND

“Leaders and staff create an environment where pupils feel listened to and valued. They promote pupils’ health and mental well-being well, including chose with complex needs. Pupils know that adults will help them if they have any worries.”

Parental engagement

“Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of the school’s work. Many praise the commitment and dedication of staff.”


Ofsted Full Report

To review the full report please click here.


What’s next for E-ACT Perry Court Academy?

With this fantastic report from Ofsted, this has made us even more determined to continue our success. We are working with fantastic organisations and our main focus is to ensure our Academy keeps succeeding by:

  • Developing reading for our pupils to access all of the curriculum
  • Expanding our forest school offering with our fantastic garden facilities
  • Continue to build links with our community and share our resources

Join us for our next open morning!

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Ofsted reports