Our ambassador team is made up of parents and community members who share a passion for supporting and working with the academy.

This is an exciting and unique role at the heart of our academy.  Ambassadors collaborate, network and forge links with the local community to inspire pupils to rasie their aspirations.

Working closely with the headteacher and supported by the national governance team and trustees, ambassadors also support our commnunity hub to ensure children are getting the support they need at home.

Led by a chairperson, ambassador teams meet a minimum of once per term and have at least two parent ambassadors, The play a vital role in sharing parents’, pupils’ and the community’s voice with trustees.

On occasion, ambassadors may also be invited to sit on complaint hearings and hearings for permanent exclusions.

If you would like to become an ambassador please contact the headteacher Stephanie Moore at stephanie.moore@per.e-act.org.uk.

You can also contact the national governance team for further information at governance@E-ACT.org.uk.

Other important documents on the trust website include:

  • Member and trustee register and declared interests
  • E-ACT’s Scheme of Delegation
  • Annual Report
  • Articles of Association
  • Master Funding Agreement

All of these documents can be found by clicking here.

Our ambassador group members are:

  • Mrs Alison Pippard – Chair and Community Ambassador
  • Mrs Stephanie Moore – Headteacher
  • Mrs Lisa Jacobson – Parent Ambassador
  • Mrs Georgie Bryant – Parent Ambassador
  • Cllr Tim Kent – Community Ambassador
  • Mr Barry Clark – Community Ambassador
  • Miss Shauna Hamilton – Parent Ambassador

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Our Ambassadors
Our Ambassadors
Our Ambassadors