Last week the children at Perry Court had the opportunity to take part in exciting range of activities incorporating Art and the Rights Respecting Schools programme. The week was a huge success, allowing the children to spend with their peers and adults in the school, expressing themselves through art and discussion.

As part of Perry Court’s journey to become a Rights Respecting School we held a Rights Respecting School week.
A key part of being a Rights Respecting School is that children learn about and uphold the rights of the child, in this week children had many opportunities to engage with activities relating to their rights. Some of these activities included sorting items into wants and needs, exploring how our needs and rights link, writing a letter to UNICEF, creating posters titled ‘we all have rights’ and designing and painting a canvas on a specific right per class.

The week concluded with an Art Exhibition, allowing parents to come into school and see all the wonderful art created by the children.


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Art and Rights Respecting Week
Art and Rights Respecting Week
Art and Rights Respecting Week