On Monday 19th November Perry Court entered two teams into the EFL Football Cup which was held at South Bristol Sports Centre. The event was held by Bristol City Community Trust. The morning was the group stages and the two teams battled out in different groups. Despite not reaching the next stage after the groups, all children were constantly working hard to win ball and score.
Some excellent play was demonstrated by Courtney from Y5 who had excellent control with the ball and was commented on by the Bristol City Community Trust about the potential he has as a footballer.
Well done to all 12 children – Liam S, Archie M, Troy C, Justin N, Courtney P, Zac M, Alfie J, Mitchell L, Bailey D, Mckenzie T, Harley F and Corey W. Special mention to Liam S to stepping up from Y4 to play in a high standard Y5/6 competition.

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EFL Football Cup
EFL Football Cup
EFL Football Cup