Today was history and geography day. Years 1-6 had the opportunity to work with 3 members of the Bristol Orienteering Klub to orienteer 2 different routes around our school grounds. They also went back in time and watched a puppet show focusing on Historic Heroes of Bristol.

Nursery and Reception teamed up for the day, exploring different counties from around the world and finding their flags in a treasure hunt. We then used their imaginations and had a go at making their own maps. We explored different historic objects and had some question and answer discussion time before memory sharing our own History at Perry Court so far.

Today has been a great spring board to begin our final Geography topics across the school, including ‘Is is chilly in Chile?’ and ‘Time to PERUse Peru!’ Thanks to Miss Pippard for organising such a fantastic day!

Join us for our next open morning!

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Geography and History Day
Geography and History Day
Geography and History Day