
At Perry Court we want all pupils to be physically active and confident in a way which supports and promotes a healthy lifestyle. 

Regular PE lessons and sporting activities provide children with opportunities to improve their health and fitness, whilst having fun, learning new skills and developing existing ones. 

We provide a broad and balanced physical education programme with activities designed to be enjoyable, vigorous, purposeful and regular. PE at Perry Court is taught by our sports coaches – Miss Miles and Mr Jones. EYFS and KS1 work on fundamental skills. KS2 learn an indoor and outdoor sport each term, developing skills and vocabulary. Through our PE lessons the hope is that the children will compete in sport outside of the school environment. 

Over the academic year Perry Court compete in many extra-curricular competitions as part of the Ashton Park School Sport Partnership, including tag rugby, basketball, football, dance and gymnastics. Some of our impressive champion achievements in the past three years are: 

  • Dodgeball South Bristol Champions 18/19 & 19/20 
  • Y5/6 Basketball League South Bristol Champions 19/20 
  • Y5/6 Hockey South Bristol Champions 18/19 
  • KS1 Gymnastics Level 2 Champions 17/18 

Extra-curricular clubs are growing at Perry Court and throughout the year we offer a wide range of sports including: tag-rugby, netball, basketball, football, dance, gymnastics, cricket and athletics. Many of our selections for our events are based on attendance at clubs. 

All primary schools must provide swimming and water safety lessons. Children at Perry Court in KS2 attend swimming lessons in a block of 10 sessions some point in the academic year. Each pupil is required to be able to do the following by the end of year 6: Perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations. Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. 

Please find below our swimming results for the 2018/2019 academic year. 

    Number  Percentage 
  Number of  Children  47   
  25m Able  32  68% 
National  1; 25m confident competent and proficient  11  23% 
Curriculum  2; use a range of strokes  27  57% 
  3; water safe  32  68% 

Due to COVID we were unable to take the Year 6 children swimming in their allotted sessions, therefore there is no data for 2019/20. 

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