During the week of the 24th – 28th June, Perry Court hosted our first ‘Sports and Health Week’ which supported the Youth Sport Trust’s ‘National Schools Sport Week’. The week celebrated the power of Physical Education and school sport to improve every young person’s wellbeing. We learnt all about the ‘five ways to wellbeing’ and took part in different activities with our classes about these such as yoga, mindfulness and going on a nature walk.

We started each morning (8.30-8.45am) with a fitness challenge, which lots of children took part in, ran by Mr Jones and Miss Miles.

“I love doing the morning mile.” Levi

The children took part in a variety of exciting lessons and activities that widened their knowledge and experience of all things related to sports and keeping healthy. As part of the national curriculum, children in years 1-6 cooked rice salad and wrap pizzas.

On Monday and Tuesday, we had Stacie, the current British champion in Jump Rope, visit us from Jump Rope UK. All children participated in a Jump Rope UK workshop, learning how to jump rope as well as lots of tricks. On Thursday and Friday, the children took part in indoboarding workshops – finding their balance on the boards and trying out some different jumping tricks too. We were also lucky to have a football coach visit us and work with some children across the school.

On Thursday afternoon, we held our KS2 sports day – all pupils participated in a variety of track events on the field. Unfortunately, due to bad weather earlier in the week, the infant (YR-2) sports day had to be rescheduled to Tuesday 2nd July.

On Thursday evening, we held our first ‘Sports Awards Evening’ for those children who had demonstrated excellent progress, commitment, talent and enthusiasm this year in school sport. The event was well attended by those invited and we hope to see even more children receiving awards and physical activity awards in the next academic year.

On Friday, to celebrate all of the learning that had taken place, we held an open classroom event for parents/carers. We shared our learning by presenting posters for them to see. We worked together to prepare and chop fruit to make fruit kebabs. We then enjoyed them on the field with our families and friends.

Sports and Health Week was super busy but we know that the children really enjoyed it and gained a lot from the different experiences on offer!

“We learnt something new!” Lewis

“I liked the Jump Rope UK workshop because it was really fun and we learnt new skills.” Sarah

“I liked making a well being poster because I wanted to tell other people about the five ways to well being.” Finley

Join us for our next open morning!

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National School Sports Week
National School Sports Week