We have a distinctive uniform which all children are required to wear every day.

Sweatshirts (£8.25), cardigan (£9.75), book bags (£4.50) are very reasonably priced and must be purchased from the Academy office. Other items of uniform can be purchased in high street stores.

Branded uniform can be ordered from Harris Sport. Non-branded uniform is also acceptable.

Follow this link to find more details Harris Sport

The uniform is as follows:

Everyday uniform

  • Academy sweatshirt/cardigan (available from office) Plain navy sweaters or v-necks.
  • White polo shirt (branded shirts available from office but are optional)
  • Black or grey shorts, trousers, knee high skirts or pinafore dresses
  • Blue gingham summer dresses
  • Plain white, blue or grey socks or black/grey tights
  • Black shoes (no open-toed sandals for safety reasons)
  • No jewellery except for stud earrings

PE Kit

  • White t-shirt
  • Plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
  • Trainers/daps for outdoor PE
  • Swimming costumes and towel (for swimming lessons)

Lost Property

We encourage all children to write their names in uniform so it can be returned to them if it gets lost. There is a lost property box kept by the main entrance, this can be viewed in the afternoon.

Second hand uniform

Second hand uniform sales will be held throughout the year. Look out on the school Facebook page for more information about these. Text messages will also be sent home.


E-ACT’s Uniform Statement can be found here:

Uniform Statement 2023-2025



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