It is with great pride today that we can share our fantastic KS2 SATs results with you.

This year we achieved 69% of children reaching the required standard in reading, writing and maths combined, 5% higher than the national average of 64%.

This time last year we were a struggling school that had gone through an immense amount of change and upheaval over many years. In 2017 only 16% of children reached the expected standards leaving us the lowest performing school in Bristol and in the bottom 1% nationally. This was unacceptable.

We set ourselves a target this year of becoming the most improved school in the south west and we believe this 53% progress will go a long way to achieving that. These results are testament to the incredible work all staff and children have put in this academic year and the belief all our parents/ carers have shown towards us to support us in turning our school around. This year we have been honest in sharing our achievements as well as our areas for development with you and we can assure you this will continue as we plan for a consistent, progressive and successful future for our children, our families, our school and our community moving forward.

Y6 parents, your children’s results will come home with your children’s reports.

Even more exciting times are ahead. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

Well done to everyone involved with Perry Court! Please share this post and our brilliant news!


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Reaching high
Reaching high
Reaching high