The Pupil Premium is a government initiative which targets extra money towards pupils from deprived backgrounds.

Pupil premium is allocated for children who receive free school meals (FSM) and is intended to help close the gap in attainment between FSM and non-FSM Students, as well as supporting the social and emotional well-being of our children.

Pupil eligibility and funding rates 2023 to 2024

This table shows how the pupil premium grant is allocated to schools and local authorities in financial year 2023-24, based on per pupil rates.

Pupil eligibility criteria Amount of funding for each primary-aged pupil per year Amount of funding for each secondary-aged pupil per year Funding is paid to
Pupils who are eligible for free school meals, or have been eligible in the past 6 years £1,455 £1,035 School
Pupils previously looked after by a local authority or other state care £2,530 £2,530 School
Children who are looked after by the local authority £2,530 £2,530 Local authority

The government has permanently extended free school meal (FSM) eligibility to include children in all households with NRPF. These pupils should now be recorded as FSM eligible in the school census and their pupil premium eligibility will follow on from that automatically.

Pupil premium spending

We plan to spend the pupil premium on the following:

  • Having enhanced support staff – Inclusion Team members.
  • Increased hours for TAs to carry out intervention groups
  • Targeted intervention groups
  • Pre-teaching
  • After-school tuition and homework clubs
  • Curriculum enrichment opportunities
  • Curriculum resources to support learning
  • For analysis of how the 2022-2023 pupil premium funding was spent and how the 2023-2024 Pupil Premium has been allocated please view the pupil premium reports below.

How we measure impact?

Pupil premium children are identified at the beginning of the school year or when they arrive as a new pupil. Class teachers, phase leads, the SENCo and the Inclusion Team work together, along with the Senior Leadership Team, to map out what the school can do to enhance their learning journey through the school year and beyond. This is monitored every 2 terms with both formation and summative assessment information, which is also shared with parent/carers during parent/carer meetings. At the end of the school year interventions culminate in a final data drop, informing teachers, teaching assistants and the Senior Leadership Team about the success of this additional support and the best step forward for the children in the year ahead.

The effectiveness of the interventions funded by Pupil Premium is looked at in detail and actions are drawn up to help accelerate progress. This cycle ensures that children receiving Pupil Premium are carefully monitored so that the funding can be effective.


Pupil Premium Plan 2023-2024


Pupil Premium Plan Review 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement


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