Young Carers

A Young Carer is a child under 18 who regularly helps to look after a family member or friend who is disabled, ill, has a mental health condition or addiction problem.

At Perry Court E-ACT Academy we are aware that some of our pupils are young carers and that they may need additional support to maximise their potential. Therefore, we currently provide the following services for young carers:

  • Weekly chat and play sessions to talk through any worries or concerns.
  • Ability to use the school phone at break and lunch if needed.
  • Ensuring that staff are aware of how they can support young carers appropriately.

Students can also receive support from:


Mr Ben Wheatley: Young Carers Lead for Perry Court E-Act Academy

Also, Mrs Elizabeth McAndrew: SLT Lead and Family Link Worker

As Perry Court E-ACT  Academy Young Carers’ Lead, I have responsibility for ensuring all young carers are able to enjoy school and make good progress. If you think your child might be a young carer, or could be affected by any of the issues we’ve highlighted, please let me know or if you  have any further questions, please contact me on or 01173 772078 to speak to me directly.

Please find below some information that may be useful to young carers, their families and to you to support them.

The Carers Support Centre Website is being updated regularly and holds information on caring, food, health, local CV-19 support groups

Food Aid has launched a central number 0117 352 3011 for anyone needing food aid. Families or Keyworkers can also use this and ring on behalf of individuals or families they are supporting too.

Dealing with a pandemic as a young carer on

You might also find the following websites


If you wish to find out more, please contact Ben Wheatley, the Young Carers Coordinator on: 0117 3772078


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Young Carers
Young Carers
Young Carers