On Monday 10th December the school welcomed Luke Stewart on site to support him and learn more about his cause.

Luke said ‘This is something I’ve been thinking about for some time now, since leaving the Armed Forces after 12 years service. Now in my 40th year I think it’s time to take on the challenge and attempt 66795 burpees in a year. 1 on Jan 1st, 2 on Jan 2nd and so on until I hit 365 burpees on Dec 31st 2019. Mental Health is something very close to my heart. It has not only effecting me personally, but also family and friends, many serving and former Armed Personnel  that I know and many, many others I don’t. Why the Burpee? Not only is it a great exercise, I believe it perfectly represents being down and getting back up again. #helpthemup.’

The children absolutely loved joining in with Luke during their lunch time and they did amazing job at trying to keep up – although he was very quick! We wish Luke all the best on his mission and totally agree with his mission! Well done! #mhfa

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The Year of the Burpee!
The Year of the Burpee!