Perry Court are thrilled and proud to announce that our Lead PE Coach, Abby Miles,  has gained a position on the England Nets U21 Squad.

Nets is a variation of netball that is fast, non-stop and very tactical. Although there are similarities with the rules of standard 7 a side netball, there are obviously a number of differences as well. The most obvious of these is that the game is played within an enclosed high-tension cage, or ‘nets’.

Abby has been selected to represent England Nets U21 at the Indoor Netball World Cup in Capetown, South Africa. This will take place from 4th-10th August 2019. The England U21 squad will fly out 30th July 2019 and return on 12th August.

This is undoubtedly a great example being set to our pupils, showing them how hard work, drive and determination really does pay off! Go Coach Miles!

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