Due to the snow back in March, we were unable to hold our World Book Day celebrations as we had planned. We knew that many of the children were very upset about this, so Miss Proffitt pulled the team together to give it another go!

Children from Year 1 to Year 6 were invited to stay after school on Thursday 12th April with their pyjamas and teddy bears! The scene was set  in the Key Stage 2 hall with curtains pulled and mood lighting placed!

Some teachers sat and read their favourite stories to the children while others passed around yummy hot chocolate and biscuits! Needless to say it was a huge success and all that took part (over 140 children!) thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

Remember – bedtime stories should be a must; a great way to spend time with your children, with huge benefits for their development.

Join us for our next open morning!

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World Book Day……again!
World Book Day……again!
World Book Day……again!